American Flag Surname Tree

From: $125

This surname tree shows from four to nine generations of ancestors in one family line, with a simple American flag background. The design allows for the inclusion of years of birth and death, a photograph for each individual in generations one through six, brief biographical information, and 1-2 additional large photos. The tree is printed on high quality photo paper in two easily frameable sizes: 24″ x 30″ (4-6 generation trees) or 24″ x 36″ (7-9 generation trees).

Sizes Available and Pricing:
4 generation (24” x 30”): $125
5 generation (24” x 30”): $140 
6 generation (24” x 30”): $155 (shown)
7 generation (24” x 36”): $180
8 generation (24” x 36”): $195
9 generation (24” x 36”): $210

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